Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Holiness 9/13/11

Today was our first official Bright Lights meeting of the semester! We had a great time together as we adjusted to the group's doubled size.
Eagerly awaiting everyone's arrival.
The pile of shoes by our front door.

This evening we started outside with a game of "speed friending." Each pair of girls had about 30 seconds to discuss their answers to a get to know you question before everyone had to switch to the next person in the circle.

It was a fun and quick way to learn a little something about half the girls in the group.

Our lesson for the evening was on holiness. I shared with the girls what holiness is and why we, as believers are called to be holy. I also challenged the girls to examine their lives & consider whether or not they make decisions based on what is common to society or based on what God says about it.

During the lesson, some of the girls acted out the story of King Asa found in 2 Chronicles 14-16.
King Zerah of Ethiopia attacks King Asa.
King Asa is a good king.
Being attacked by the Ethiopians
Seeking the Lord.
Being attacked by King Basha of Israel.
The story of King Asa was used as both a good example and a bad example. When the Ethiopians attacked, King Asa trusted the Lord rather than worldly wisdom. However, when he was attacked by King Basha, he turned to man's wisdom and died.

After the lesson, we broke up into our new small groups. Finally, we ended with tea & dessert.

Overall, tonight was a wonderful start to a busy year! After months of prayer & preparation, it was so exciting to see everything come together. I look forward to seeing everyone again on September 27th!


  1. Great pictures! :)

    By the way, I meant to tell you at the meeting that I really liked your skirt, but I didn't get a chance. So anyway, it was pretty. :D (that was random)

  2. Oh, thank you Sylvia! I like random comments. ;)

  3. Great group of girls!!!! I can't wait for the next meeting!!! :D. The skits are definetly a highlight for the girls :) [I enjoy them as well of course].
