Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to Develop a Ministry 2/22/11

Today we discussed ministry & how each one of us is called to be a ministry to others. Lots of ideas were shared for ways to live your life to serve, bless and encourage other people and the girls were challenged to dedicate their whole lives to honoring Christ in everything they do.

Each of the girls came up with a "ministry goal" that they are going to work on for the next two weeks until our next meeting. Sample goals included spending time with your brother, writing a note of encouragement to a little girl at church, helping your mom out with more chores or praying for a certain friend.

At our next meeting we will be checking everyone's progress to see if they worked on their goal.

Our game for the evening was a combination of "Mingle" and "Ministry Ideas Scattegories" (Yes, I did make those games up). Basically, after a drawn out process of mingling and answering silly questions, the girls got into groups of 4 or 5 and had 5 minutes to write a list of as many ministry ideas as possible. Then, each group went around and read their list... if your group had something from another group's list you both had to cross the idea out. Whichever team had the most ideas at the end won.

Sylvia, reading her team's list....

After our lesson and game everyone split up into small groups for discussion and prayer.

The Rebekah group has a "discussion monkey" (or something like that) to pass around & whoever holds the monkey gets to talk. :)

Heather & Cecily...

The Mary group...

We ended with tea & some yummy desserts provided by Rachel & Abby. Don't forget to work on your ministry goal, I'll look forward to seeing how you did at our next meeting on March 8th!

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